Saturday 23 February 2008


So much for posting an entry every day of the AIDC. I guess that's what you get for not having wireless abilities on your mac.

It's all about meeting people at these conferences. Andrew and I met a lot of people. And I mean, a lot! The common questions of course were what are you doing here and what is your project about? Personally I liked to talk about anything but my project. It wasn't because I dont like my project or ashamed or anything like that. In fact, quite the opposite. I am so proud and happy with our project that I didn't want to sound conceited.

I talked about my project when I had to, and I discussed it with enthusiasm when I did. Overall, the other delgates were very positive with their feedback. Some great interest from filmmakers, distributors, local broadcasters and surprisingly, international braodcasters.

Even though Into the Shadows is a very local story, the international correlations are obvious. Especially when in Into the Shadows, we turn around and look outward to see how other countries dealt, deal, and are dealing with the same or similar struggles and challenges our own filmmakers, distributors, exhibitors and government funding bodies etcetera are dealing with in our story.

They seemed to like the Australian focus and felt it could be used as an education of the industry for their industry.

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