Thursday 21 February 2008

AIDC Day 1

We have decided to track back the three days at the AIDC:

Day 1: Wednesday

It was a really big day yesterday. There was lots to do and lots to see. Lots of people to meet and lots of coffee to drink...

I went to the round table discussion with Katrina Sedgwick (director of the Adeaide Film Festival) and considering neither of us had been to one before, it went really well.

Katrina was extremely informative about the investment fund, and I truly believe our stars and timelines are aligned. We will be submitting an application to the AFFIF as soon as possible.

Andrew had similar luck with Mitzi Goldman and Susan McKinnon from the Documentary Australia Foundation. He received really positive feedback from our draft application and once we get back to Canberra we'll submit our polished application and hopefully be approved by the foundation so we can go on in our search for philanthropic support.

Opening night drinks are always good - especially when the drinks are free - and last night's events were no exception. We met some really nice people, caught up with our friend Sophie from Closer Productions, met her (production) partner Bryan, watched an amazing sunset, got drinks spilt on me and almost lost my bag.

A great night, hopefully followed by another great day.

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