Monday 10 December 2007

Quit our jobs...but still full steam ahead

This trip is already frustrating and it’s only the end of Day 1. Since quitting our jobs to work on the documentary full time, money has been a problem. Not so much a problem but an issue to deal with and it looks like we will be hitting up the credit card from now on. Which means debt.

The hotel is not to bad, but it isn’t great. The internet is expensive, the extra comforts of a bedside table are non-existent and the desk is one of those minimalist ones shoved in the corner that can hold a skinny TV and that’s about it...not the ideal workspace for traveling filmmakers. Enough complaining - on with the job at hand.

Today we had two great interviews, firstly Adrianne Pecotic from AFACT, who raised some interesting points about piracy and creative ownership. After lunch we interviewed Stephen Basil-Jones from Sony Pictures Releasing. He was very encouraging of our work and great to chat with, he had some upfront thoughts on the real issues facing distributors in this evolving cinema environment.

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