Saturday 8 December 2007

Destination: Film Festival

Today we jumped in the Honda and zoomed off to Newton, Sydney for the closing session of Destination Film Festival. We had an interesting drive through Newton finding the place but once we did it was worth it. Carriageworks! A new contemporary art space transformed from an old railway unreal space, mixing rustic charm with modern technology perfectly.

Megan Spencer introduced the session (Cyber-Born Film) and then let the film Four Eyed Monsters do the talking. It’s a great film, innovative in everyway. We had watched all their video podcasts but had never seen the film on the BIG SCREEN. Its a testament to how indie filmmakers can use digital distribution and marketing to get a film out there...hey we just watched their film on a Big Screen in an old railway station in Sydney! If that’s not getting it out there I don’t know what is.

The discussion with the panel afterwards was great with such speakers as Rosemary Blight (Clubland), Rachel Lucas (Bondi Tsunami), Dan & Dominique Angeloro (Soda Jerk) and Toby Ralph (Street Sweeper). We had some drinks afterwards in a nearby pub, swapped some stories and bizz cards then were back on the road. A good trip and a good festival.

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